Find Great Bargains and Support the Library
at our
USED BOOK SALE Fundraiser! 

September 6, 7 and 8, 2024

Thousands of gently used hardcovers and paperbacks, audiobooks, DVDs, & CDs are for sale at incredibly low prices!

All sales take place in the J.V. Fletcher Library’s downstairs meeting room.


Not a member? Join now or join at the door!
Friday, September 6, 6:30 - 9 pm
No scanners during Preview Sale, please.


Open to all. Most items $1 or $2.
Saturday, September 7, 10 am - 4 pm (NOTE EARLIER END TIME)
Scanners welcome


Buy a $10 reusable bag to enter, and fill it with your favorite items
Sunday, September 8, 2 - 4 pm
Scanners Welcome

Members, both existing and those who would like to join at the door, are invited to the Friday, September 6 preview sale from 6:30 - 9 pm. Scanners are NOT allowed on Friday.

The sale is open to all on Saturday, September 7 from 10 am - 5 pm. Scanners are welcome.

On Sunday, September 8, for $10 you can buy one of our reusable bags and fill it with books. You may purchase multiple bags, but you must buy at least one bag to browse the sale. Only bags purchased at our sale may be used. Scanners are welcome.

The Friends of the Library donates 100% of the proceeds from all our book sales directly benefit our library — unlike for-profit organizations which collect books and do not donate all of their proceeds to charitable organizations. Our book sales fund a wide variety of library programs and performers, provide new equipment and furnishings, and supplement the multimedia collections.  Approximately 95% of the books offered at these sales are donated by Westford residents.

The Friends accept hardcover and paperback books in all genres as well as LPs (vinyl),  CDs, DVDs, and audiobooks. Donations can be dropped off at 50 Main Street in Westford. The collection box at the library's back door is always available for donations, whether the library is open or closed, and donation receipts for tax purposes are available at the Main Desk during library hours.

The Friends firmly believe in the motto Re-read, Reuse, Recycle! Just about every book donated to the Friends is reused in some way. Those not needed for the book sales or leftover from our sales are put on the "free" shelves in the library's downstairs hallway or are donated to More Than Words, a nonprofit social enterprise. More Than Words runs bookstores in Boston and Waltham that help youth involved in the foster care system, court involved, homeless or out of school to take charge of their lives by taking care of a business.  The few donated books that are totally unusable — moldy or torn beyond recognition — are recycled.

The Friends of the J.V. Fletcher Library deeply appreciates the town's continued support.