Drop Off Used Books

If you have unwanted books, CDs and DVDs lying around, please consider donating them to the Friends. We sell these items at our period book sales. Income from these sales is what allows us to provide the programs and services our patrons enjoy.

For information about our upcoming sales, visit the Book Sales page.

Where to Donate

You can drop off your donations in the collection bin that is located next to the back door of the library. A reminder that if the library is closed and the bin is full, please do NOT leave the books on the ground as this damages the books, making them difficult to use in our sales.

When the library is open, these materials can be dropped off just inside the library’s rear entrance, beneath the sign on the sorting room door on the left. Tax deduction forms are available at the library’s main desk.

What to Donate

We accept the following items:

  • Hardback and paperback books in gently used condition, all genres and ages

  • DVD's and Blu-ray

  • Music on CD's and vinyl

  • Audiobooks on CD

Please remember that we DO NOT ACCEPT:

  • Textbooks >10 years old

  • Encyclopedias > 5 years old

  • VHS or Cassette tapes

  • Magazines

  • Tattered, soiled, or mildewed books

Why Donate

Your generous donations of books and media benefit the library and the community of Westford. Funds raised at book sales represent nearly 40 percent of our income, and it is this income that allows us to provide the programs and other services our patrons enjoy.

To learn more, check out the Book Donations in Action graphic, and read the Book Donations Fund Friends Programming blog post.

The Friends firmly believe in the motto Re-read, Reuse, Recycle! Just about every book donated to the Friends is reused in some way. Those not needed for the book sales or leftover from our sales are put on the "free" shelves in the library's downstairs hallway or are donated to More Than Words, a nonprofit social enterprise. More Than Words runs bookstores in Boston and Waltham that help youth involved in the foster care system, court involved, homeless or out of school to take charge of their lives by taking care of a business.  The few donated books that are totally unusable — moldy or torn beyond recognition — are recycled.

The Friends of the J.V. Fletcher Library deeply appreciate the town's continued support.